Sep 21, 2015

SELF-MOTIVATION is the key... master key.

Self-motivation is nothing but clapping for your own achievements. We naturally get motivated when others appreciate for the work we do, likewise we can use the opportunity of encouraging ourselves which comes at no cost. So stop grumbling when none notices or appreciates your hard work. This can be achieved by simple things. Praise yourself! Stand in front of the mirror and admire yourself and take some time to appreciate your skills, say you are the best and you can achieve your dream. Wave aside the stage fear! Motivate yourself and attempt! Whether you succeed or fail doesn’t matter.

You could have heard that every advice consists of this “Never compare yourself with others.” Instead I’d say COMPARE! But with people weaker than you, your talents, economy, physical ability etc. And feel contented that you are blessed with those gifts which many don’t have. Rather than comparing yourself with people higher than your standard, economy etc. I can assure you that the person you compare yourself with doesn’t possess few skills that you do. And never degrade others or yourself. When you don’t praise or yourself, how do you expect others to appreciate you?

Set up a goal you want to achieve, be keen on it, and above all of it have the will power and a strong mind-set that you can achieve it. As quoted in Bhagavad Gita, “Yadhbhavam thadhbhavathi” – “As you think so you become.” It’s quite true. And there goes another verse “What you cannot visualize you cannot achieve.” Set up your own set of imaginary fans and visualize the scenario that you had achieved your lifelong dream. Feel the pleasure, if it truly happens? What more you need. Now come out of your imaginary world and strive hard to achieve it. As DR.APJ Abdul Kalam said “Dream is not the thing which you see when you sleep, it is the thing which does not let you sleep.”

When you fail in achieving it at the first time, don’t back down. Feel empowered that you have at least tried to achieve it, but failed. So what? You have attempted and experimented it and you almost tasted success. Now you are a PRO! And now you know the route to success, build your own map; reject the obstacles and wrong paths you encountered. So you are now ready to set a milestone in history! At least in self-motivation you don’t need the help of others. Hence forth motivate yourself in order to succeed.

Believe me this mantra works!

(This article was written in my 12th grade, and was published in my school magazine)

-Lohithaksha Sreedharan

Sep 5, 2015

On account of Teachers' day

It is inevitable to control our mind taking us to our school days when we hear “Teachers’ day”. Those special occasions for teachers by us students felt like a whole day of free-periods. But as we pass to higher classes and once in college, the role for teacher is the same but takes different terms: lecturers, HODs, professors, faculty etc. And we wholly consider them as staff. But at times we lose the connectivity with a teacher and the sole reason is grading system and judging the students based on their marks obtained.

We are so held up with our life and career, we hardly take a moment to think of how we became the person we are today. Who made us what we are. Who moulded us. Students from all walks of life, they made us noticeable and marketable in the society. Either you are a marble or a mountain rock, they sculpted us.
The sculptors may not be much famous than the sculptures. But at the end of the day, it feels contented to be the creator and taking the pride.

Now let us go chronologically. During our kindergarten teachers taught us how to hold our pencils and also not to bite it. They taught us how to write in the four-lines notebook. They taught us to draw. They taught us the language, manners and moral values. Like a mother teaches to her offsprings. They evolved us from kids to teens. She is selfless.

In the high-school they taught us literature, poetry, art, science, math, history and sports which are all necessary to understand the world and make a revolution, to innovate, to create. They give us the power to think, question, make and stand up against the odds. These are the actual benefits of education and not just the content of the books.

As we move on to higher classes, they are more like a friend to us. They teach us what we must know apart from the books. What is hidden. How the facts we learn are adulterated and what the society doesn’t want us to know. They teach us why attraction to opposite sex is normal, the hormone play in us. The values of life and the willpower to tackle all the problems. They share their experience of how they crossed their stage of student life and how precious it is and why we must seize it.
We would have come across all sorts of teachers: the ones who are extremely charming, ones who just read out from the book, one who hardly touches the books but commands the attention of the class, one who teaches innovatively, one who gives imposition to make us learn, one who has a grudge on us, one who teaches apart from the books, one who doesn’t even teach what’s in the book, one who punishes to correct us, one who corrects us rather than punishing.

But at the end of the day they all have left a mark in our lives. We’ve at least tried to give our best to impress them or to prove them wrong. Their way of teaching may differ, but the aim remains the same. To spread what they learnt, to leave a legacy, to make us think in our own perspectives. They hardly take credit for the achievement of their students. What more joy does one need when they realise they were the reason behind the fruit of their students: watering the sapling, being supportive as they grew and nurturing them to grow healthy. No teacher hates his profession or students when he realizes how noble his profession is.

Is school and college alone got to do with teachers and teaching? Definitely NO! Teachers come in all forms and in all walks of our life. As learning is a never ending process. We learn from others, everything we’ve learnt so far is a product of others’ knowledge and wisdom. Nobody is self-taught in this world, even the book or content you read on your own, there is an author behind it. There is someone behind him and the chain goes on. 

Our parents are our very first teacher. Our mother teaches us to speak, our father teaches us to walk without others support. They brought you into the world and teach you how the world works. What is necessary to be a good Samaritan rather than obtaining knowledge. They strive to give you the best. We learn from them, we follow them. They inspire us. We adore them. They teach us the importance of a family. They teach what selfless love is.

Everything is our teacher. The movies and TV shows we watch, the books, magazines and newspapers we read, the random stranger we talk to, the labourers we meet, our parents, our family members, our relatives, the kids and pets we play with, the friend who lifts us up, the friend who betrays us, our first love, our first breakup, the stupid decisions and choices we make, our role-models, celebrities, artists, politicians, sportspersons. Anyone to anything teaches us something in our life. Take the good and leave the bad.
Shouldn’t we leave a legacy behind? Yes, we must teach what we learnt. Either you belong to art or science field, you must embark to share your knowledge to the coming generations. As this is more of a journey and the destination is unknown. It is immortal and never-ending like the universe.

THINK! THINK! THINK! In your own way. Thoughts can change the world. And never forget to thank your teachers. Never forget to teach others. What’s the use if there’s a plethora of good stacked at one place. It rots! Share! Spread knowledge and love. Look at the world differently. You hold the whip to your life! You wear the crown and lead the world!


Jul 30, 2015

I wove my grey cloud

My mobile phone got hanged in the evening. I tried to move the heaven and earth but all went in vain. I pressed myself to resume the book I was reading by Paulo Coelho. After travelling myself through few pages, my eyelids stopped doing its duty "Close your book so that I can hibernate" it indicated.

After a nap, I woke up. My mobile
was still not working. But I was not frustrated as usual. Why? Is it because the Author's words pacified me? I pick the book again and happen to read the same paragraph twice, as I lost my bookmark. One part of me said
"Close the book I'm too worried about my phone", the other part said
"Let's read the book until my mobile starts
functioning normal".
     But why do I procrastinate? Why has this laziness creeped into me and spread like insulin? Not just in reading books but also in writing a story, completing my assignments ets, having my breakfast.
                  But wait didn't I finish a book in one full sweep a few days back? The two parts of me starts to argue again
"Come on the sole reason is that it was
a romace-novel", the other part of me contradicted
"Then what about the poem I wrote a few days back"
"But how long did you take to complete it, how many days"
"Uh, a week long though".

I have tried to push myself in scenarios where I've only few hours left for my deadline  and I've got better outputs. But isn't that being dutiful and not myself working whole heartedly. I have written stories in last few hours of deadline, but to be frank when did I actually get its plot from? I got my senses back. It's true, it was only when I was relaxed
and my mind was loafing around. So am I justifying myself for being lazy? No! I found out that once I am feeling lazy, I have to just go by the time. But not procrastinating at the same time thinking how I could make this time more useful.

I try to put my laziness on a scale. The size of a wrist watch? wall clock? No, I could've built a Big Ben all by myself with my futile time. So it is just a thought of two. To do or not to do. If yes, come'on dust up your butt , travand start working.
If not sit, gather moss. But go places with your thoughts, travel from your childhood crush to the futuristic inventions you think the world needs. It's all like a butterfly effect, you have no idea what your thoughts and simple actions can lead to.
     Even as I stride on my terrace, thinking about what the author said. How he too is facing the same problem, though he does a job with gratification and passion and gets paid for years. Several thoughts of mine conjoin his.
And I thought for a second, why don't I write this down and publish in my blog. It's been months since my browser saw the Blogger tab. Again the two parts of me debate
"You can't type now your phone is not working"
"But I can take a notebook and start writing"
"But my thoughts are like the rain, they reach my head only when I'm on the terrace and not in my room"
"So what? You need light to read, not to write. You can later interpret your pitch-dark scribblings when you sit to type".

After I write down a few lines, even the clouds made way and the moonlight pierces through and reaches my notebook. The nib of my pen starts to twinkle, complementing the hidden stars in the sky. It looks as if the moon winks at me saying "Go on champ! Tonight I'll be
your one-night stand". May be if I start to write every night it would be my wife.

                Wait, is it only procrastination my sole problem? What is the reason behind my procrastination? Bad vibes! Yes, I feel de-motivated easily nowadays.

If procrastinating has creeped into me, these bad vibes are like insectivorous plants. I'm their fly. As I had negative thoughts, I was captivated by them. And now I'm stuck in a dungeon of bad vibes echoing around . Precisely, they are like ultra-sexy models they can seduce you easily and make us a prey in their trap.

But why is that today even after all my sorrows being piled up from the death of Mr.APJ Abdul Kalam to my mobile phone being frozen, I've managed to wear a smile on my face like I wore the badges in my scout uniform with pride.
Is it because I had good chat with my favorite person, and the person's good vibes were contagious? Where were
these good vibes all these days? Did I fail to find the positive side in my negatives or was I so obsessed with negativity?
   As I try to search for answers, I realize that the people around me and the society have been a major factor for my activities. But isn't it childish and stupid to blame others? Why am I giving excuses? I'm mature enough to build up myself. It is just few years ago I came across the exact term "procrastination". And I came to know I'm not alone and there are many others suffering with this discorder. Oh gosh! Look I found another excuse. I am just finding excuses and not answers.
     It is like not taking an umbrella during the rainy season, I know it will rain. But isn't it my fault not taking an umbrella and later blame the rain as I catch cold?

All the external factors of our negativity is like the rain, each and every individual in this planet has his own umbrella-called the positivity. Neutralise it and later diminish it. It is not true that we don't have one, we just fail to in finding one.

I kept the full-stop and as I kept my pen aside, I realised that my phone
being wrecked has also been a good thing. After many days I've got a piece of writing. As I said positive and negative are the two-sides of the same coin, we fail to change
our perspective of viewing things. And it was not just a piece of writing, I realize I've actually intertwined my thoughts with the ink and expressed myself to the point.

And I realize I wove my grey cloud which was hanging above me with a cluster of bad vibes.

-Lohithaksha Sreedharan

May 6, 2015

Why you must watch Uttama Villain for second time

Myself being a die-hard fan of Kamal Hassan was eagerly waiting for this movie, and frustrated when the release was delayed. Wave it aside, it was worth the wait. Now let me tell you few scenes I noted/adored or maybe you missed. Or it maybe from my perspective. It's all about Uttama Villain- yet another master piece by the Legend Padmabushan Dr.Kamal Hassan.


Let me go chronologically about the scenes that one must not miss. If you are a Kamal fan or been an avid spectator of his films right from the beginning  you can logically and emotionally connect to each dialogue and scene in Uttama Villain.

As soon as the movie starts, the scenario is a gone-crazy audience in the theater applauding for the movie "Veera vilayatu" when Manoranjan steps on the dais, he addresses his fans with his usual sense of humor and mentions the word "thala vali" (head ache) and the rest of the movie changes because of that.

When they step out of the theater, Manoranjan gives a grim look to Chokku which he explains all. And the dialogue "Naan dhan nadigan.... en kitta nadikatha". This one gem of a reaction by Kamal Hassan not to be missed. 

Didn't we love the dialect of Kamal Hassan as Vishwanathan in Vishwaroopam? Indeed we loved it, in the clinic Manoranjan picks up the phone call of DS and says "Hello Doctor" with the dialect of Vishwanath, and changes to Madras bashai(dialect) "enna sadhaaikrala?". You must not miss this scene! Kamal Hassan sugarcoats this important scene with romance and humour, if you listen closely to what DS says in the phone line you can understand the importance and grimace in his tone. DS didn't wish to say this news to Manoranjan first, but to Dr.Aparna. But Manoranjan picks up the call seeing the caller-ID. 

During the party scene, there is a similar shot as in Manmadhan Ambu, where Manoranjan stands on near the balcony and looks down at Zacharia. Manoranjan here, Mannar there (lol). You had also seen Kamal Hassan's flair towards French in MMA, in this movie when Monohar sees his father Manoranjan hugging Aparna, Chokku immediately closes the curtain. When Manohar enquires Chokku, he immediately contradicts with what he saw back the stage. Manohar tosses his glass and says "touché*" Another coin to the bag of new words used by Kamal Hassan.
*Touché —used to admit that someone has made a clever or effective point in an argument.

Have a keen eye on the photos on the wall. Even in Rao's house. During the television show, Chokku hints the program head to ask Manoranjan about his next movie, but he says that Manoranjan warned never to ask any question about the movie. The main story takes pace from here. Also we can notice the slideshow on the backdrop, the fan-made images of Kamal Hassan, at the end we can see the photoshoot images of Kamal Hassan and Preity Zinta for the movie ROBOT which was eventually dropped and then released starring Rajnikanth. 

The conversation between Zacharia and Manoranjan, where we get to know about Yamini and Manonmani, where we were spellbound by Kamal Hassan's acting. His lips, cheeks, chin, eyes, his whole face seems to show the emotions as in Bharatnatyam, no wonder the whole theater was filled with applauds and awestruck faces. Ulaganayaga we owe to you!

During the initial stages of the movie within the movie "Uttama Villain" the production house is name "Mano-marga". Remember when Chokku asks later that who is going to produce the movie with your Guru as director? Manoranjan says "naan dhan". It shows his love to his Aasaan. And the "Uttama Villain" movie directed by Margadharsi and music composed by "Ghibran". 

Now coming to the 8th century part, the Queen Karpagavalli writes a letter to the neighboring king pleading for help but it never reaches him, but the news somehow passes to the King Uttaman by the minister Kaakapu Sundar and spy Later King Muttharasan orders his ministers to take Uttaman and shave his beard, but the Ministers plan to test themselves, one of the Minister kicks him and Uttaman drowns and eventually he gets caught on the fishing net and is pulled by a fisherman, wait a second! did you notice something at the start of this scene? The fisherman is the spy from the neighboring dynasty. It is evident again when the spy comes to the secret-passage/cave after a talk between Uttaman and Karpagavalli, the Ottaran says "enga mannar munnadi naa ivalo pesradhey adhigam" and gives a look at Uttaman  and while leaving he bows down with a vanakkam to the minister and to Uttaman (it's his duty to show respect to his king, nobody gives much respect to a koothu artist) and he notices that after few seconds. During this very scene we come to know that minister Kaakapu is on the side of Karpagavalli. 

Right from the beginning Uttaman seems to be a very a timid guy, but after the "Kaadhalam" song you can witness the KIng in him, he orders the minister to close the curtain and joins the dance with Karpagavalli, during the secret-cave scene he twice lifts his sword when he seems to have danger. And we come to know that Karpagavalli now knows Uttaman is actually the neighboring King, and also seems to fall for him.

Muttharasan forces him to tell any trick attain immortality, Uttaman tells there are three ways. First is to become a sage, second is to become a writer/poet, third is to become an artist, Kamal Hassan has done the two ways in this movie, he is the writer and actor, but he won't become a Sage like his friend Rajinikanth and go boundless of time and materialism. Or is he  trying to show the other way that Immortality is actually bane.

Margadharsi finalizes the shot and says it has come well and is shocked by seeing Manoranjan's nose bleeding, but waves it aside with his usual humor. Before the interval Manoranjan stares at the fishes just caught by the fisherman, and he visually indicates us that he is also living the last few moments of his life like the fish. Such a brilliant depiction by Kamal Hassan.

When Manonmani meets her biological father for the first time, the background turns out to be a film equip, just sheer brilliance and wit of Kamal Hassan. When Manoranjan tells that he's the villain in the life of Manonmani and there is medium-shot showing the mannerism of the daughter and father being alike, he also mentions that "Nijam nu onnu iruke"

When Manohar comes to know that his dad is affected by Grade 4 brain tumor, it is a hear-melting scene when Manoranjan struggles as a father and as a Celebrity, his emotions and his tone tells it all, Manohar hugs his dad and cries "Why you?" and he replies "Everybody does, even you my baby" but they never show the face of Manohar, maybe Kamal Hassan didn't want to adulterate that scene if his his emotions aren't conveyed aptly.

During the beginning of the movie, Manohar walks oout of the theatre and tells to his Girlfriend in phone that Veera Vilayatu is a cliché movie and he didn't like his father doing commercial scenes like riding a bike with the female protagonist sitting in front, later we come to know that his actual interest was screen writing and wanted to show the film industry what is father was really capable of. 

Then when Manonmani reads the letter, we get to know the Hero inside Manoranjan and eventually the truth unfolds, Later Maoranjan peeps from the window and adores his children, but Manonmani is hugged by Zacharia, and the Hiranyan nadagam commences on the background "En Udhithrathin vidhai, en uyir udhirtha sadhai, ver oruvanai Bhagavan ena poruthiduvena" Manoranjan still isn't able to witness Manonmani loving her father Zacharia, though he is thankful in a hundred ways. And Hiranyan nadagam commences.

And few dialogues "Ivana yaar dhan love panla" "Adhana unaku satisfaction e irukadhe"

When Varalakshmi faints hearing the tragedy about Manoranjan, she is admitted in hospital, tells to Aparna rejecting her praise "Was beautiful. Kalyanathuku munnadi. Ippo ellam thinney theethiten" these are the exact words said by Urvashi's sister Kalpana in "Sathi Leelavathi" the best part is Urvashi herself said these words to Kamal Hassan in "Rama Shama Bhama" the kannada remake of it, wait! it isn't over, Ramesh Arvind the director of this film played as her husband in "Rama Shama Bhama" coincidence? I don't feel so.

Kamal on his death bed wearing his oxygen masks cracks a joke to the nurse "Revive panna marandhudadhinga" and kisses and winks at Dr.Aparna.

Manohar doesn't seem like a normal teen though he has an iphone and a girlfriend. He doesn't consume any snack in the theater, or boozes during the party, when his mom Varalakshmi asks why he isn't like other teens he replies "kettu poiduven" (If anyone understood the reason behind this characterization do mention in the comment box, because Kamal Hassan isn't a person who scripts a character just for the sake to fill the screen)

Let's come to the notch how this movie connects with the real life (unintentionally of course)

In this movie Guru (Margadharsi) is losing his sishyan (Manoranjan) in reality, Kamal Hassan lost his mentor K.Balachander. It happens to be vice-versa as in the story. Guru has directed the last movie of his shishyan. Here, Sishyan (Kamal Hassan) roped in his mentor's (K.Balachander) last movie.

In this movie son (Manohar) can't bear the near demise of his father (Manoranjan). In reality, Nasser's son (Basha) met with a terrible accident and was struggling for his life in ICU. This was during the shooting of Uttama Villain. Happy that Basha is safe and sound now. 

These are some of the lines not to be missed in the songs:

  • Single kiss ke love dhan, SINGARA VELA love dhan.
  • Nee thodaatha uccham unda, saadhanaigal miccham unda.
  • MUTTHATHIN Aasaan'e.
  • Saagaavaram pol sogam undo?
  • Seyul pol oru kadhal vendum.
  • Arasiyalvaadhi avan unmaiyai chonnar pol, adhisayam naanum kanden.
  • Vendiyadhelllam vaaitha oruvan, saavaiyum vendi settha kadhaigal aayiram undu.
  • Meen'ai thaam endraan, aamai thaam endraan. Vekkam ketu pandri'yum thaam dhan endravana Kadavul.
  • Evarum, endha porulum Kadavul aanaal, kumbitta kootam podum, kuppai kooda sorgam serum, agila ulagam azhiyum azhiyum. Va va vada engey Hari'yai nee kaatada.
  • Perithaana velaikku Pillayar suzhi dhan muttham.
  • Mogathai sollida mozhiyum oru thadai aagumo.
  • Sambalam indri nadanam aadum ammana Nataraja.

Maaladhadhu kalaiyum kaviyum, maayadhadhu enbum nam arivum, anbum. Saagavaram pol sogam undo? Theera kadhayai ketpar undo? 

Thalaiva! thankyou for this masterpiece! 

-Lohithaksha Sreedharan

Here are few links you must read, for the dissection of Uttama Villain:

#UttamaVillain #UV #KamalHaasan #UlagaNayagan #Kamal #RameshArvind #KBalachander #Jayaram #MSBhaskar #PoojaKumar #Andrea #Parvathi #Urvashi #KVishwanath 

Mar 14, 2015

Samosa - A short story

Ayya here is today’s earnings” shouted young Velu from the door-step.
“Drop it in the box as usual” retorted his boss from a distant, chewing betel nut .
Each vendor had his own box respectfully, a piggy bank sort of, in which they had to drop the day’s earnings. This was their routine.
Velu dropped the money. “So did you sell extra samosas today?” asked Ayya.
“No Ayya, you know the summer has started and the trains are too crowded nowadays”,Velu expressed with grief.
“Alright! Alright! don’t feel shy to shout, be active with your customers”
“Okay Ayya I’ll leave now” Velu walked out of the house.
The next day Velu started with his job, crying aloud “Samosa! Samosa! 4 for 10! 4 for 10! Sir! Madam! Hot and spicy samosa!”.Velu finished his job as the sun descended down the horizon. After entrusting the earnings to his employer, he met his friends in the theatre as they planned. Velu’s only outlet was cinema. He spared a little money apart from the savings to watch a movie at least, once in a month.
“Didn’t get the tickets? Is it housefull?” Velu enquired his friend.
“No! the movie has been banned” reported his friend. Velu returned back almost devastated.
The next day after finishing his job, he went to Ayya’s house and dropped the day’s money. “Stop Velu!” yelled ayya. Velu’s heart started to beat fast against his chest.
Ayya proceeded in a loud voice, “How much did you drop today?”.
“300 Rupees Ayya”
"As usual 300 Ayya”
“No you didn’t drop 300 yesterday!”
“I promise Ayya I dropped 300”.
“No! what if I prove you wrong? Will you quit this job and give back all the belongings and walk out? I thought you’d be loyal to me, that’s the reason I never check the money you drop”, Ayya flared in fury.
“Ayya I’m sorry, but I didn’t spend a penny from the earnings that day! what would I do without this job?”velu’s eyes almost welled up.
“Go to your mansion! Sleep! Think well and come here tomorrow”
“Okay Ayya” Velu left the place petrified. He felt a lump in his throat which he couldn’t swallow. He ransacked his whole room in the mansion as soon as he reached, waking up his room-mates. He checked his savings and it had the same amount that he had the previous day. He enquired his friends about the missing money. But it turned out to be futile as everyone was proved innocent. He mumbled in a low voice“two 50 rupee notes, ten 10 rupee notes, one 100 rupee note as far as I remember. I would have dropped a note somewhere on the street maybe. God please save me from this!”.  Velu dozed off crying.
       The next day as usual after selling all the samosas, he went to Ayya’s house. “Did you recall anything at all?” asked Ayya with a crooked smile. “No Ayya, forgive me please! It is due to my negligence! here is some money from my savings, I would have missed the money on the street or in train. Please don’t throw me out of this job Ayya!” begged Velu as tears warmed up his cheeks. Ayya suddenly burst into laughter. “Calm down Idiot! You dropped 400 rupees! 100 Rupees more than the normal amount. What if this had happened while selling Samosas? What if you had returned extra money to the customers, do you think they will give you back? Be cautious while handling money, this is business! Never make this mistake again!” smiled Ayya handing a 100 rupee note to Velu.


- Lohithaksha Sreedharan
Edited by: Nivetha Sivasamy

Mar 8, 2015

Why not Women from the entertainment industry?

It is weird that my facebook wall has been filled with sprortswomen, women politicians, women CEOs, women entrepreneurs etc. Oh! it is Women's day. But the question is where have all these women been these days? My facebook wall is usually filled with posts regarding actresses, models, and the screenshot of their favorite movie clips in which the glam lady walks with pride when a huge crowd of boys are drooling. This particular scene is from a movie, so the Heroine has to act, not just before such a huge crowd but also in front of so many cameras and technicians. Do you think that's a child's play? No way! Have you ever tried to cross gang of girls or crossed a Women's college all alone? Dude, you'll piss in your pants! I can't face a group of girls, It feels so awkward, I act strange at such times. Now, think of that actress, you got to salute her! What about a ramp walk? Woah that walk with such large stilettos, eating nothing but tissue paper with some Coke before a model shoot.

My question is why don't you wish Women from the Cinema and modelling industry? Why don't you take them as an example for hardwork and successful people. Why only Mary Kom? Saina Nehwal, Deepika Pallikal and Indra Nooyi. Everyday the women from Media industry keep us entertained, you can't ignore a Shreya Ghoshal (oops! she got married, banned from the hearts of boys and cinema!) or Chitra ma'am song when you are too romantic, you can't watch a movie if there isn't a romance or sentiment scene. Our days are filled with women from cine, modelling and journalism industry. They are the wallpaper of most of the teenage boys. Switch on your TV, women newsreaders. Especially newsreaders for hearing impaired are mostly women. I salute to this lady!

I owe a lot to Women from Tamil cine-industry, I've been brought up by seeing them on screen doing wonders and giving life to a cinema, they've made laugh like hell. Here are a few

Late Sukumari, I remember first seeing her in Cho's dramas, her sense of humor, her wit will leave you amazed, you'll surely die laughing, her stage presence and her pride are applaudable. I don't know how she managed to act more than 2500 films.

Urvashi. Yes! Thirupu! Did you giggle? I did LOL. She's one heck of a talented lady, also with a great sense of humor. Her acting is just wow, and instant laugh guaranteed. I wish to see her in a lot more films, she deserves respect. I'm waiting for her pairing with Kamal Haasan again in Uttama Villain.
Manorama Aachi, I need not say she's a Legend the Queen of acting and comedy, also a singer. Who can't tap a leg for her song "Va vadhiyare ootanda, nee vara kaati na vidamaten, jaam bajaar jakku, naa Saidapetai kokku" in a Madras slang. 

Saranaya Ponvanan, I don't need to tell about her acting, starting with the movie "Nayagan" she is the apt actress for Mother roles. Who knows she is also an entrepreneur? She is interested in fashion designing.

Sridevi!! I need not say about her acting, the secret crush of all our dads. Who can forget her recent acting in English Vinglish? She doesn't seem to age.
Jyotika, my favorite actress. Now a mother of two, devoted to her husband Surya and her family. Why can't she be an inspiration? Duh, ma'am we are waiting for your comeback!
Abhinaya, one of the actress who got my attention in recent times. I was shell-shocked to know that she is hearing and speech impaired. She brings out emotions on screen with ease. I hope she gets more films. You totally deserve my respect!
Rohini ma'am, I've always admired her role in "Virumaandi" her patience in her character and her ideologies were thought provoking. I couldn't imagine anyone else would suit that role. Least we know that she is also an author, scriptwriter, documentary and short film maker. I remember once Kamal Haasan had mentioned in an interview that he could see his own essence in her ideologies. I'd love to see you as a director in a movie soon ma'am.
Kasthuri, I know her as she did a very good role in the movie "Indian". Only when she hosted a Quiz show in a Tamil channel, I came to know about her knowledge in science, history,GK and also in Cinema. She totally deserves my respect.
DD! aka DivyaDarshini, she impressed with her roles in "Nala Damayanthi and Whistle", when she seemed to fade away from Media, Bam!! she started to succeed as a VJ. She is a celebrity host now! After her father passing away, she struggled hard to come up in her life and also raised up her younger brother, who is now a pilot. and now she's happily married.You are a true inspiration to many girls DD!
Silk Smitha, the dusky beauty who ruled Tamil cinema, who is no more. Regardless of all the comments, they need courage to act with passion on screen. You have my respect lady!
Sunny Leone! did your eyes pop? Yes, she is from the Porn industry. But how many know that she called of the filming of a scene, only because kids were playing on the streets, there are plenty of actress who go filming item numbers with kids on spot. You got my attention at first, now you deserve my respect lady! Going to post negative comments? Dude, I know you pre-booked tickets for"Leela"

Not only actress, there are many women working behind the cameras in Media industry. I'be listed only a few there are plenty of talented women in Entertainment industry, just because now it has changed from art to business doesn't mean they are not artists, they wear a hell lot of make up, on screen and off screen, smile for everything, act even when they are off-screen. Face all the comments, balance their family, keep in touch with their fans, and finally when they are about to marry, Damn! they are ignored from cinema, and their fans. They have got a life too, money isn't primary for them! They do it with a passion. Every profession has got its own ups and downs. Don't just see them as mere flesh. They deserve respect too!

All these days I've seen news such as an actress catching swine flu, and regular updates till she gets cured and continues with her filming. I haven't seen news regarding Mary Kom catching a flu or getting injured. But now you take her as an example. Why not the actress now? Respect women from the Media industry too.

Finally Happy Women's day, especially to the women in Media industry!

Lohithaksha Sreedharan

 #Women'sday #IndianCelebrities #Womensday #IndianActress #WomenPower 

Mar 2, 2015

The sinister stranger

 “Oh! Shit! Not this guy again” muttered Vasu masking his face with a handkerchief and pretended to be far asleep. “The first day when this stranger wished me luck, all my photographs were bad, I lost my tripod, the weather was bad and to crown it all I was pulled over by the Army men. And I had a hard time convincing them I was a photographer who came there as a mere tourist and not as a spy. Lord! Please take me back safe to Chennai” Vasu said to himself. So scenic and pleasant was Kashmir that one would pay ten times the fare of bus ticket to get a window seat and to get immersed in the aesthetic beauty of her. But Vasu pretended like a soporific introvert in the bus, while others were marveled at the mountains nestled on the arms of mother nature. The cool breeze, as a result of the previous night’s torrential rain, was leaving slight kisses on his cheeks.  Soon Vasu cuddled up in his seat and fell asleep.
           “Hello Sir!” cried a man who was in his 40s, dressed in a suit with a muffler and wore sport-shoes. Vasu woke up to his greetings, and found the man whom he was trying to avoid sitting next to him.
“Have your photographs come out well?”
 “Yes! Very well” Vasu said trying hard to pull his lips to smile.
“So are you heading back to your hometown young photographer?”
“Yes, I hope the bus will reach Srinagar on time, I need to catch my flight” in need to end the awkward conversation.
 “Don’t worry! We Kashmiris are here to take care of our fellow Indians” exclaimed the man.
The stranger headed towards the driver and placed his hand on the driver’s shoulder which sent shudders through him. The bus lost control and came to a screeching halt as it passed through the slippery road in the dark tunnel. But soon the bus lost friction and rammed into a tree.
       The passers-by came running to help. Luckily, they were not much casualties. The bus conductor started to curse the man “don’t you have any sense? You scared the driver!”.
 The injured passengers were admitted to the nearby hospital which included Vasu. The next day Vasu got back to his senses and was discharged. The accident spared him with a few scars on his fore-head. Near the hospital gate, he again saw his bad-omen, with a broken arm and a sullen face. The man handed over Vasu’s camera kit and walked away without uttering a word.
Vasu headed back to his hotel and inquired about the next possible flight. Opposite to the reception on T.V flashed the news “Jammu and Kashmir has been hit by flood, gobbling up the lives of almost 200 people.  Srinagar and the surrounding villages has been filled with water of about 12 feet, IAF and BSF are at rescue.”  Vasu cursed himself as it continued “all the flight to and from Jammu and Kashmir has been canceled”.  He stayed back in Kashmir against his wishes until the weather was suitable for traveling. He never saw the sinister stranger again.
      One year later….
                         “And the best photograph under the ‘natural disaster’ category goes to Vasu from India. To tell more about him, his photos flashed in all newspapers and journals which shook India and the world in 2014 and saluted the Indian army and its rescue force. He gets the grand prize of $10,000 and a trip to our National Geographic headquarters in Washington DC”.  The whole crowd and media folks gave him a standing ovation.  Vasu, who was speechless by this gesture made his way through the audience and climbed the dais and received the statuette. With the mike fumbling in his hand he began to say “The true reason behind my achievement is a sinister stranger whom I encountered a few months back in Kashmir. I considered him to bring bad omen”. The whole crowd looked puzzled. Vasu continued “Yes indeed, a stranger who made my trip worse is the reason for me to witness the disaster and those despair moments. Volunteering in the rescue force helped me to understand what it means to help and to be helped. This made me become a better person. Who knew that it would change my outlook on life? No one is unlucky. It is the time which makes us feel so. What is bad will turn out to be good someday. If we killed all the black cats which crossed our paths, we would need a Pied Piper in each city. There is a deep seated purpose behind all the incidents .Thank you stranger!”

-Lohithaksha Sreedharan

Edited by: Nivetha Sivasamy

Jan 22, 2015

Dying Embers - A short story

Gazing at the girls inside the college bus which passed by, Shiva rushed to his school to be present, before the Chief Guest inaugurated the function. No matter how hard he planned to reach the premises early, his plans always faltered. As such, cursing the auto-rickshaw drivers, the whole Government behind the Suburban train network and his tummy, he tucked in his shirt again and entered the school. 

That day, there was a food-festival organized in his school. Shiva had a special reason to be happy about it. His role model "Chef Damu" was the honorable chief guest of the event. Shiva's journey in kitchen was embarked on, in a reaction to his friends mocking his stout figure during his childhood.  His friends making fun of his pot-like belly, ate his heart.  Though Shiva was saddened, he sprang up in reprisal to combat these humiliations by turning his negatives into positives. Henceforth, Shiva started to learn more about cooking rather than just shoving the food in his mouth. Shiva expanded his boundaries by experimenting with new recipes, which channeled him to cook on his own. Unlike his peers, his study rack was filled with 'Culinary books' instead of comics and novels. 'Dinner Dash' was his favorite game. Another instance which sets him apart from the rest is that he doesn't curse his mom like the other teens when watching Cookery shows. "Cooking is girls' business" were the common words he heard.  He hid all his culinary books in a resort to not make him look effeminate, when lads of his age hid playboy magazines.

       Shiva was at the peak of excitement as he saw the very possibility of meeting his inspiration whom he had admired so long in television. On entering the portals of the auditorium, he ran back to the backstage panting and wiped off his dripping sweat. The teacher in charge of the event blasted him for being late. Being the ‘school captain’, he secretly enjoyed the privilege of wearing a badge on his blazer. Shiva, being good in both academics and discipline was always in his teachers’ good books. His nature of being friendly to all, had him elected as the ‘school captain’. But to his dismay his fair complexion or his post as the ’school captain’ did not fetch him a girlfriend.
     The students and the teachers were stunned as a white sedan entered the campus. All the students gave a rousing welcome to chef Damu as he made his way to the dais. He was handed bouquet by the principal. The principal guided him to a special brunch prepared for him right after the inauguration. Shiva had a sinking feeling in his heart as he did not have an opportunity to speak to the person, who fed his interest for food.   But Shiva was distracted from his woes as he was flooded with responsibilities like collecting the names and details of all, who were participating in the fest. The day passed for him in a similar note.
   As the day was coming to a close, the chief guest got onto the dais to announce the winner of the fest. Chef Damu began, "Good evening everybody. I am glad to see so many enthusiastic Home-makers from different parts of the city to have come here to participate and win the coveted title. Moreover I thank the Principal of this Diety School Mr. Sadhasivam, for his invitation. This day took me down in a memory lane of my own school days. It's happy to see so many students volunteering with enthusiasm. The culinary world…." the voice trailed off. "Nothing's audible check the speakers" shouted Shiva at his friends. Later the Principal called out the in-charge teacher and said "It's getting late already, request Mr. Damu to announce the winner now".  The teacher walked to the dais and told the same to the culinary luminary. Accepting the request, dr.dhamu announced "Mrs. Gomathi Shekar from Perambur bags the title!". Chef Damu handed over the prize and goodies and posed for a snapshot . The Principal accompanied the Chief guest on his way back to his car. Out of desperation, Shiva ran to his teacher "Ma'am can I speak a few words with Mr. Damu please, I need to ask a few things regarding his career." "Oh come on kid, he is getting late for his shooting" smiled his teacher. "Can I ask the Principal because Mr. Damu doesn't seem like hurrying" Shiva said trying to justify. "You don't want the Principal to lose his temper, do you?  Don't you have your preparatory exams tomorrow? Go home quickly and prepare for it" patted his teacher. He walked away without saying a word.
    Shiva’s heart was clogged with sorrow, like a kid who wasn't allowed to watch his favorite cartoon show. He approached his friends who were professedly in charge of the mics and speakers. Flaring with rage, he spat his words "Why the hell can't you find it on time, why didn't that Damn thing stop working during the time of our rehearsal?" . His friend cut his rant by saying  “stop it! It was done on purpose". Baffled by his retort Shiva stood frozen and choked out "What?". "Yes it was the Principal's order to do so". "But  why? Chef Damu just started to talk to the students about the culinary world“ said Shiva trying to swallow back the lump in his throat. "That is it buddy, why would high school students want to listen about cooking?" He patted on Shiva's back and walked away.
    He reached his home with a heavy heart, ready to cry his heart out in the confinement of his room. Unaware of the climate, Shiva’s parents were overjoyed with his arrival. "Come on Son, we have got a happy news for you" exclaimed his Mom and spoon-fed a Gulab jammoon to Shiva. "But what's the matter maa?" asked Shiva trying to fake a smile. "Remember me saying about my colleague's friend who is the secretary to the Vice chancellor of Amanda College?" asked his father displaying a huge smile on his face. "Oh yeah, NO!" retorted shiva in surprise . "Well, we have blocked a mechanical engineering seat for you. Your semester marks helped to get you this seat, so study peacefully for the board exams and maintain the same score" said his dad in a tone of immense happiness.  "But pa…." dragged shiva.  "Oh don't ask how much I paid for it" chuckled his dad. "That's nice, thanks a lot Pa, I'm a bit tired let me take some rest for now" He went to his room trying to hold back his tears.  "Look how happy he is, there can be no best pre-birthday gift than this?" said Shiva’s dad who was oblivious to shiva’s culinary interests .  "Yes dear" his mom smiled.
                  After hours of crying shiva grew numb to the situation. He sat up on his bed and said to himself "Scoring good marks helped me to get my parents off my back and gave me a little time to spare for myself. I didn't know it would end up like this. Now it's time to permanently hide the culinary books and also my ambition". He laid back and looked at the fan thoughtfully.
                                                                  -THE END-

- Lohithaksha Sreedharan

Edited by: Nivetha Sivasamy