Sep 21, 2015

SELF-MOTIVATION is the key... master key.

Self-motivation is nothing but clapping for your own achievements. We naturally get motivated when others appreciate for the work we do, likewise we can use the opportunity of encouraging ourselves which comes at no cost. So stop grumbling when none notices or appreciates your hard work. This can be achieved by simple things. Praise yourself! Stand in front of the mirror and admire yourself and take some time to appreciate your skills, say you are the best and you can achieve your dream. Wave aside the stage fear! Motivate yourself and attempt! Whether you succeed or fail doesn’t matter.

You could have heard that every advice consists of this “Never compare yourself with others.” Instead I’d say COMPARE! But with people weaker than you, your talents, economy, physical ability etc. And feel contented that you are blessed with those gifts which many don’t have. Rather than comparing yourself with people higher than your standard, economy etc. I can assure you that the person you compare yourself with doesn’t possess few skills that you do. And never degrade others or yourself. When you don’t praise or yourself, how do you expect others to appreciate you?

Set up a goal you want to achieve, be keen on it, and above all of it have the will power and a strong mind-set that you can achieve it. As quoted in Bhagavad Gita, “Yadhbhavam thadhbhavathi” – “As you think so you become.” It’s quite true. And there goes another verse “What you cannot visualize you cannot achieve.” Set up your own set of imaginary fans and visualize the scenario that you had achieved your lifelong dream. Feel the pleasure, if it truly happens? What more you need. Now come out of your imaginary world and strive hard to achieve it. As DR.APJ Abdul Kalam said “Dream is not the thing which you see when you sleep, it is the thing which does not let you sleep.”

When you fail in achieving it at the first time, don’t back down. Feel empowered that you have at least tried to achieve it, but failed. So what? You have attempted and experimented it and you almost tasted success. Now you are a PRO! And now you know the route to success, build your own map; reject the obstacles and wrong paths you encountered. So you are now ready to set a milestone in history! At least in self-motivation you don’t need the help of others. Hence forth motivate yourself in order to succeed.

Believe me this mantra works!

(This article was written in my 12th grade, and was published in my school magazine)

-Lohithaksha Sreedharan

1 comment:

  1. Really motivating dude!....
    Liked the comparison part!...
