Aug 3, 2014



Shruthi was in her bed in front of the television, crying.  In the television, news channels were flashing headlines that the flight UA343 which started from Chennai the last day had crashed in the Atlantic Ocean.
“Shruthi, why are you crying?“ the voice of her mother heard from her behind.  She didn’t answer.  She continued crying, and her mother was angry and went out of her room and told her father, “Your daughter is crying and does not answer me, do whatever you want with her.”
Shruthi, she was a very reserved girl.  She does not talk to anyone much. And to strangers she doesn’t even talk.  She only talks to her father openly.  But for the last five months there is a change in her character.
She came running out of her room and hugged her father still crying.  She threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly now crying even bitterly.
“Hey, Shruthi, what happened?”  he asked.  She didn’t mind to reply but was crying still holding him tight in her arms.
“Shruthi, you in love?” again he asked.  She stopped crying and took her arms from his neck and stared at his eyes for a long fifteen seconds.  Then she managed to speak, “How… How did you know?” she asked.
“Who knows my daughter better than me?  Tell me what happened?”  asked her father.
“His name is Karthik .  He attended the interview along with me on the same day, six months back.  He was sitting right next to me in the hall.  He began the conversation by asking my name, although I didn’t answer him he just smiled and wished me good luck and his name was called and he went in.  Then we both got selected and he was in my department.  Once he saw me, he came towards me and gave his hand for a handshake wishing me congratulations, and that day I smiled at him.  Then he was on his work back.  I was quite inspired by his character, he didn’t even bother about the last time I had ignored him.  Then I started talking to him and knew more about him.  And we bonded.  He is very intelligent and smart.  He is also regular at his work.  He is from a lower middle class family and his father died in his childhood.  It was his mother who made him study.  He is the only one earning in his family now.  He has a younger sister, who is in her twelfth standard.  On seeing his perfection in work our team leader selected him as the one who would go on a training program to the U.S.A.  And yesterday he boarded the flight UA343.  I went down to the airport to send him off.  And when he was to go to his pathway he hugged me and whispered in my ears, “I Love You” then he waved me and disappeared in the pathway.  I was thrilled on hearing what he said.  But on my way back home I was so happy.  But my happiness lasted for only thirteen hours.  The flight he had boarded crashed in the Atlantic Ocean and there is no trace of the plane.  My love lasted for only thirteen hours.”  saying this she started to weep.
But her father told her, “If your love for him is true, and you feel that his love for you is true, your love is not dead.  You tell that his family is in need of financial and physical help, you could do that yourself.  If you do this, your love for him will last forever.  I will not force you to marry anybody nor, I will advice you not to marry anybody else.  If you wish to get married, you can marry “
On hearing her father telling this she stopped weeping and hugged her father tight and said, “Thank you dad!  Thank you so much!  I will follow as you said.”  Saying this she went into her room.

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