Dec 6, 2016

Adieu Madam Chief Minister!

Amidst this patriarchal society. There was a Lady whom men feared and women admired, conquering the throne twice - consecutively despite the hatred, and her name will go down the history. 

J Jayalalitha, she is the one woman I've always admired, despite the allegations against her. I never understood the fondness for MGR or Jayalalitha, people considered them as Gods much more than hero worship.  Vaadhiyar, Amma were not just titles. I realized when I started visiting few places in Tamilnadu and when I finally moved to Chennai. 

Firstly, a village in Trichy, women there consider Amma as their own mothers. My neighbor who hails from there, asked me, show me one woman who can break through all these stereotypes and emerge victorious in this patriarchal society, ministers mostly men bowed down to her, they feared her. The position she attained is not an easy journey. 

It didn't bother me, her being hospitalized, but after seeing her in that iced box and the fact that she's no more, I'm a bit moved. TN will miss her. I was born on the same day MGR was born. During my school days in Bangalore, every b'day, the first thing I hear is MGR songs, his photos with garlands. I was perplexed, after all these years? And that too in a different state? Why do you people love him so much. 

And another incident was the prev TN election, I was in my 10th grade. I was traveling from some place to my home in bus, the evening newspaper was being distributed, and an old guy was running through that traffic of Bangalore holding the newspaper shouting "Amma da, puratchi thalaivi" the TN election results were out. 

Even today you can see the aged street hawkers and vendors having portraits of MGR right next to the photos of their deities. Whether it's right or wrong is debatable and I don't support their party either. And now it gradually starts to make sense. Why after ages people still vote for that party, why so much love for their leaders. But I know one thing for sure, History will never repeat again.

Tamilnadu will miss you Madam Chief Minister.

-Lohithaksha S

Jun 15, 2016

A Theist by choice

Dear Atheists,

Of late I've been seeing more Atheistic posts than religious. Now I don't know who is more obsessed about the fact of existence of God, Theists or Atheists.

See the point is this. Theists are not dumb ppl. Even Dr APJ was a religious person and so was the Genius mathematician Sir Srinivasa Ramanujan. Dr. Kalam knows more science than we all do. Why wasn't he influenced by your science-is-factual-not-religion posts? Now are you gonna argue that he isn't a scientist at all? Stop using science alone as your weapon. Even "Big bang theory" isn't proved yet.

If you're annoyed by the religious quotes and posts, the theists can be equally annoyed by atheistic posts but most of them ignore for good. And so should Atheists? You're pissed off when somebody talks about religion 'cause it contradicts your BELIEF (that there's no God) then how do you tell Theists to shut up when YOU contradict their beliefs? Theists have their own reasons to follow their religion. You don't have to follow or agree to them but respect their choice.

Most of our parents are Theists, especially our Mothers. Try changing them and convincing them. If you can't start the change at your home how can you expect to change the society?

I've seen in Instagram and other social network profiles -  wearing "An Athiest" as a badge in their bio. Would you react the same if Theists put up "A Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc" in their bio, taking pride in identifying themselves? Wouldn't you term them as dangerous nonsecular? Atheists don't want religion and people identifying themselves as a sect? Why? People hurt each other in order to protect their beliefs and their own sect. Is Atheism heading in the same direction nowadays? I fear in a few years they'll form a new sect. And it would be all the same. And there would be no point of being an Atheist.

Let us follow our own beliefs until we're not banging Gita or Quran on your face and preaching. Not all Theists preach and fight each other for their religion, we believe for our own reasons and follow without having to prove others that we're right. Religion is a parallel track, a part of our life not our entire life. We're not obsessed with it and we do carry on with other things in life like all Atheists do. Why can't Atheists stop proving that only they're right? Who's imposing now?

And yes I'm a Theist, I respect Atheists and other religions. I'm not trying to protect my sect because I was born into such a family. I follow my religion by my own choice. My parents are Theists too but never imposed religious beliefs on me but they taught me humanity comes first.

In short, being a Theist doesn't make one dumb or being an Atheist makes one smart. Respect everyone's beliefs. Peace.

-Lohithaksha Sreedharan 

May 9, 2016

A poem - My foot!

"Nice shoes you got there chap"
gleaming, I walk with pride
feeling the world under my feet.
Running into a rock which lay roadside
my shoe got torn, cursing I carried on walking on the street.
A little further and then it began to rain
my feet got dampened, and drenched myself entirely
I start to feel tiny fishes trickling inside my shoes.
branded shoes worth so much money
yet unable to walk in rain.
Now cursing myself, I resume walking
A while ago, dressed like a dandy, now I look so plain
I noticed the puddle, amidst the heavy pour
paused a second, looked around
tiny paws stuck in swamp
I remove my shoes, jump, now I'm safe and sound
As I reached home, my feet so damp
vut myself completely drenched
stinking filthily lay my exquisite woollen socks.
The next few days, bed-ridden
entertainment and social distractions forbidden.
My thoughts narrowed, I realized
how the other day, I was lucky
for my shoes protecting me from getting hurt
how thankful humans should be, bestowed with two feet
capable of surviving any odds to meet.
Everyone is blessed with what's necessary
most with opportunities to protect the necessity
few with luxury to fashion the necessity
For I know what I should be thankful for, my foot!


Apr 30, 2016

The Fractals - book review

  by Shanti Chitra

Title: The Fractals (2016)
Genre: Fiction
Author: Shanti Chitra

"Her themes strive to stir and disturb the tranquility and monotony of life" describes her bio. You'll immediately agree when you read this novel. It revolves around the unspoken world of women in our society and also about the men who seem to complete it. This is the story of yet another family made up of friends, colleagues and relatives. Whose stories are unheard or rather not disclosed, who aren't bound to the society and given up on their happiness, the essential element in one's life. The characters are consciously etched with socio-cultural backstory. Aeons of women's suffering is questioned her barriers and potentials are brought to light but never there is the usage of word "feminist". Breaking the taboo. The "what ifs" and "why not" will turn into "yeah that's not wrong". Her anger is vented out which tumbles out as words seeking revenge. Plenty of questions may arise. 

The relationship, love, desire, lust, affection is it temporal or eternal? Relative or unconditional? Should it be expressed be expressed to one person alone? forever? How powerful is love? who created it? The mankind? was it bestowed by nature? How often is it misinterpreted and misunderstand? Does it take age, gender, sex, creed into consideration? Does the pleasures of human beings adulterate it? How broadminded are we? Are we ready to accept our loved ones being different? Do we give them their space or ridicule them? Is it wrong even if they don't harm or hurt anyone or disturb their lives?  Why do we brand others? in what basis? Who are we to blame? Is it right or wrong? Dutiful or sinful? who are we to judge? Is it relative too?

Should the society and family decide who he/she should spend his/her life with? It is a disturbing journey in a fantasy land. The perspectives may strongly differ. Yet the Author will put you in a state of dilemma. Referring to excerpts from the ancient texts along with its meaning put into life scenarios and connecting the readers by the usage of Tamil words and making the journey through pages delightful as the essence of a language is lost partly in translation. Morality and reality may seem like parallel tracks leading to a same point. The characters may question you or leave you disturbed. But can assure you'll have a pleasingly unpleasant experience.

- Lohithaksha Sreedharan  

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