Mar 12, 2017

We're here to coexist

I'm a bit disheartened to share this incident. And let me tell you this is not the first time I'm witnessing such an incident. I fear of being judged and misunderstood but I had to share this. I'm not blaming any sect of people, as I've witnessed this in other states too. Yes let's be proud of our mother tongue and our city's heritage. When we Indians demand our right to Freedom of speech and expression let us also remember our Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India.

Today when I was traveling in a suburban train, a man who was stout in his mid 40s forced himself in the crowd and ordered the guys sitting to move so that they can make space for a fourth seat. When the guy gestured there's no space, he used swear words and pushed them and sat beside them and muttered “Enga oorla irukinga bla bla” more hatred and racist comments, he again used swear words until one of they guy's friends stood up and spoke in a broken English that he is not a child to be commanded and he has a valid ticket to travel. He knew the man was abusing his friend though he couldn't understand the language, but chose not to disrespect as there were kids and women sitting opposite to them. Then the man backed off and lowered his voice pointing other seat saying "4 persons sit" showing his four fingers adorning huge golden rings. Another guy said in a calm tone that he should have asked politely. They didn't pick a fight as they knew it wasn't worth it. They seemed to be from Andhra, as I can understand Telugu I overhead them, there was no comment about the guy or his behavior, they were just excited to visit Marina. Today I realized the difference between a literate and an educated. I wanted to go and apologize on behalf of the man, and wanted to assure that Chennai is not so unwelcoming and not to judge us by such ppl, but the train was too crowded and my station had arrived. There is similar hatred towards Hindi speaking people, not just in Chennai but also in
Bengaluru, the cradle I grew up in. The scenario is same in other states too. And vice-versa in Northern India. Isn't it high time we realize we are here to co-exist?

Still a proud Indian and Madrasi.
