Feb 6, 2010

Save our tigers

Our national animal is fighting for its life.

From around 40,000 at the turn of the last century, there are just 1411 tigers left in India.

If we don’t act now, we could lose this part of our heritage forever.

Speak up, blog, share the concern, stay informed… Every little bit helps.

 www.saveourtigers.com  Visit this site to know how you can help.

To stop our tigers extincting, stop poaching of tigers!!! stop hunting!

Please do not let our national animal to become extinct!!!!!

 Do you know?

 * Tiger is the largest member of the cat family.

 * From around 40,000 tigers at the turn of the last century, there are just 1411 tigers left in India.

* 2009 was the worst year for tigers in India, with 86 deaths reported.

* There are 37 Tiger sanctuaries in India. However, 17 sanctuaries are on the verge of losing their tiger          population.

* Corbett National Park is the oldest tiger park in India. It was created in 1936 as ‘Hailey National Park’.

* The Kanha National Park’s lush sal and bamboo forests, grassy meadows and ravines provided inspiration  to Rudyard Kipling for his famous novel, The Jungle Book.

Here is the answer for your "How to save tigers?'' 

Stop chatting, do something
A campaign to save the tiger has caught the imagination of people on networking sites, including Orkut, Facebook, Twitter. Several lakh people are following the issue. However, conservationists want them to act rather than simply make noises online.
All supports the campaign but doesn’t know what else they can do.
All say – “There is no information, no website where I can know more. What can i do to help the tiger?.”  Some say, “They can involve themselves in any reliable organisation working for conversation in whatever capacity they can. Doctors, politicians, religious leaders, teachers, housewives, business men.... whatever you are, you can play important roles in conservation.”
 This is what you can do
·       Graphic designers can make posters and pamphlets to educate other people and field operatives.
·       Website developers can make websites for organisations involved in conservation.
·       Mechanical and electrical engineers can help the Forest Department make better use of solar energy at the ground level. For example: To re-charge wireless sets.
·       Doctors can treat people living in and around protected areas so that they can protect the forests better.
·       Agricultural scientists can teach better farming techniques to people dwelling near forests so that crops can be less palatable to crop-raiding wildlife. This will reduce human-wildlife conflicts.
·       Public Relations for the tiger: people with contacts in governments and legislatures can share their contacts with conversations.